Make something that matters.

What We Do

Become social media experts.
Solve social problems.
Develop creation skills.

Create Lab requires you to create something socially meaningful for a real client through collaboration with your classmates. The class will work together as a team to use social media to find the right combination of applications, platforms, websites, etc. to help solve a social problem. Based on your interests, skills, and abilities, we will place you on various specialized teams, which will act as departments in your particular agency. The assignment to these teams will change over the course of the semester and as you progress through the different stages of the project's development. You will spend class time honing your skills in creativity, production, expression and implementation.

This class is not designed to allow absolute specialization, so you can expect to work on several aspects of the project. As a result of your labors, you will produce functional social media content and/or applications. You will turn in a written report a week or more before the demo presentations.

This course assumes that you have assimilated a body of knowledge about your particular area of mass communication, that you are familiar with all standard industry terms and can use them, and that anything you do not know you will learn on your own or ask us about. In this course, I will primarily advise (also counsel, prod, urge, berate, referee, judge, threaten-whatever it takes).

Get ready for a time-consuming, nerve-wracking, emotionally wrenching experience. In other words, this course is as "real world" as an academic course can be. That's what makes this class so much fun.

Read the syllabus here.